
Credit Union House elects new board 

WASHINGTON, DC (March 3, 2023) — Credit Union House held its 22nd Annual Meeting of Members on Sunday, February 26 at the Marriott Marquis Hotel. During the meeting, an election was held to name directors to the board for the 2023-2024 term. Patty Corkery, president/CEO of Michigan Credit Union League & Affiliates, was elected as its newest board director. Additionally, two directors were re-elected to the board: Patrick Conway, president/CEO of the CrossState Credit Union Association and Troy Stang, president/CEO of the GoWest Credit Union Association.

Brett Thompson, president/CEO of the Wisconsin Credit Union League, stepped down at the meeting after 14 years of service on the board.

“The Credit Union House board and staff thank Brett Thompson for his service. Although his tenure has concluded, I know Brett will remain a steadfast supporter of the ‘home away from home’ on Capitol Hill,” said Patrick La Pine, CU House chair.

Directors serve two-year terms. The new Credit Union House board members are:

  • Patrick La Pine, CEO of League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates, Chair
  • Troy Stang, President/CEO of the Northwest Credit Union Association, Vice Chair
  • Patrick Conway, President/CEO of CrossState Credit Union Association, Treasurer
  • Diana Dykstra, president/CEO of the California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues, Secretary

Patty Corkery, president/CEO of Michigan Credit Union League & Affiliates, Director

About Credit Union House

Credit Union House (CU House) on Capitol Hill is the epicenter of national credit union advocacy. Its mission is to showcase the modern impact and overall value of the credit union industry. The impressive property fosters strong relationships between advocates and elected officials, creates a universal and positive awareness of credit unions, and is a powerful symbol of the movement it proudly represents. CU House is owned by every state and regional credit union association/league and the American Association of Credit Union Leagues (AACUL).


Sue McCue
Managing Director

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