
Credit Unions Offered Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Look at The Ritz-Carlton’s Award-Winning Service Culture

Mark Wolff – CUNA Communications; (202) 508-6764;
Amy Nigrelli – CUNA Marketing; (608) 231-4246;

Madison, Wis – Credit unions will soon have a rare, behind-the-scenes look at how exceptional service works at the legendary Ritz-Carlton.

CUNA World-Class Service Leadership Institute offers credit unions an exclusive opportunity to discover the strategies and tactics that help The Ritz-Carlton create its unparalleled service culture.

The institute will allow credit union leaders – from CEOs to branch managers – a first-hand look at how The Ritz-Carlton’s award-winning service culture permeates its entire global organization.  Attendees will discover how the hotel’s “total engagement” approach influences every process and decision across its entire operation.

The three-day institute, held at The Ritz-Carlton in Denver, Colorado, May 1-4, is not a common occurrence for the hospitality-industry giant.  The behind-the-scenes look has been made possible because of CUNA’s long-standing relationship with The Ritz-Carlton.  “This kind of open access isn’t something that other businesses are able to experience,” said Angela Prestil, CUNA Director of Sales Culture Development.

Specific strategies such as making a risk-free hire; initiating a daily ten-minute meeting; and generating ‘total engagement’ from employees will be discussed.  “Credit unions will discover that to improve service in general – you must improve it in specifics,” said Rick Olson, CUNA World-Class Service Leadership Institute featured speaker.

During the institute, Olson will join Jeff Hargett, The Ritz-Carlton’s Corporate Director of Learning and Content Delivery and a certified speaker for The Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center, in speaking on how to infuse the hotel’s strategies into credit union operations and service.

For more information on CUNA World-Class Service Leadership Institute, visit

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About CUNA: Your Trusted Resource for Credit Union Success™

With its network of affiliated state credit union leagues, Credit Union National Association (CUNA) serves 90 percent of America’s 7,700 state and federally chartered credit unions, which are owned by nearly 92 million consumer members.  Credit unions are not-for-profit cooperatives providing affordable financial services to people from all walks of life.  For more information, visit

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