
CU App Store presents the upcoming webinar: Which CECL model should you use?

ANCHORAGE, AK (August 22, 2018) — Choosing the right model for CECL is crucial. Which one works best for your loan products and your data set? Joseph Breeden, author of Living with CECL: The Modeling Dictionary and Living with CECL: Mortgage Modeling Alternatives, will present the model performance comparisons, considerations, and possible solutions.

The models considered go from the simplest “spreadsheet” methods to the most complex statistical techniques. Although no one will be surprised that the most advanced methods perform best, we will discuss the trade-offs in accuracy, complexity, and the need to include Q-factors as you move across the modeling spectrum.


Wednesday, September 12, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CDT

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Joseph Breeden, COO and Chief Scientist, Deep Future Analytics, LLC; Founder, Prescient Models, LLC 

Breeden brings more than 20 years of experience leading financial institutions through financial modeling, allowing clients to achieve real understanding of portfolio dynamics for retail lending where those problems originated.

Previously he was co-founder of Strategic Analytic, where he led the design of advanced analytic solutions including the invention of Dual-time Dynamics. Dr. Breeden has created financial models through the Mexican Peso Crisis, Asian Economic Crisis, 2001 Global Recession, Hong Kong SARS Recession, US Mortgage Crisis, and the Global Financial Crisis. These crises have provided Dr. Breeden with a rare perspective on crisis management and the analytics needs of executives for strategic decision-making. He currently serves as associate editor for the Journal of Risk Model Validation.

Joseph Breeden

About Deep Future Analytics

Deep Future Analytics brings advance predictive analytics to Credit Unions and Community Banks. We apply the power of the latest advances in modeling techniques and data pooling to your institution, and surpass the state of the art of many of the larger banks that are using legacy systems and out dated models.

About the CU App Store

The CU App Store is the global marketplace for applications that help turn OnApproach M360 data into reports and analytics that provide valuable insights for credit unions. With applications developed by both credit unions and vendors, the CU App Store provides the industry with a place to build and share analytic applications.


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