
CU Rx Welcomes New and Returning Clients

JACKSON, MI (July 8, 2013) — CU Rx, a credit union risk management and compliance services CUSO headquartered in Jackson, Michigan, announces their latest partnership with St. Francis X Federal Credit Union.  The nearly 98 million dollar credit union located in Petoskey, Michigan becomes the twentieth credit union to partner with CU Rx in order to better manage compliance needs in an ever increasing regulatory environment. In addition, CU Rx has contracted with My Personal Credit Union, a 107 million dollar credit union in Wyoming, MI to assist them with all aspects of compliance in the coming year.

Returning to the CU Rx family is Friends & Family Credit Union located in Massillon, OH.

CU Rx attributes their continued growth to an increase in regulations and the proven excellence of the audit and compliance staff. Chrissy Siders, COO states, “Our clients enjoy the operational expertise we bring into their credit unions. We understand the credit union model and how to implement regulations that align with the credit union’s daily operations because we are more than just auditors; we are credit union people at heart.”

Current client Christy O’Connell of Ohio HealthCare Federal Credit Union says, “This is exactly what we needed. CU Rx is the BEST!”

About CU Rx
Established in 2005 as CP Financial Services, LLC, an affiliate of CP Federal Credit Union ($370 million) located in Jackson, Mich., CU Rx was created to serve credit unions as a credit union-owned CUSO. 

CU Rx offers review and audit services for a wide scope of regulations and best practice topics.  Expert solutions are tailored to the credit union’s needs to help clients better mitigate and manage risk while strengthening compliance, policies, and controls.  CU Rx conducts training to ensure a client’s staff understands compliance on specific regulations and best practices and to avoid the risks and issues that surfaced in the CU Rx review process.  By proactively conducting quarterly or annual risk management reviews, the credit union client can better meet and maintain regulatory requirements. To learn more about CU Rx, visit or call 888-766-1576.

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