
CUES Honors Outstanding Councils and Top Recruiters

MANALAPAN, Fla.— The Credit Union Executives Society honored nine CUES Council award winners and thanked its top recruiters at CEO/Executive Team Network in Manalapan, Fla. The 2012 Council winners include:

– In Region One, CUES Heartland Council, CUES Oregon/Washington Council and CUES Rocky Mountain Council
– In Region Two, CUES Alabama Council, CUES Florida Council and CUES Michigan Council
– In Region Three, CUES New England Council, CUES New Jersey Council and CUES North Carolina Council

CUES Councils are run by members on a volunteer basis and serve CUES members regionally, offering networking and career-enhancing resources to credit union leaders.

Each CUES Outstanding Council award winner receives $500 to develop future meetings. Judges selected these councils for their ability to present timely and important topics to attendees, communicate effectively with their members and produce actionable marketing pieces to generate high meeting participation. They also encourage nonmembers to join CUES.

CUES also thanked its top new-member recruiters from the past year. During 2012, 201 credit unions were named CUES Gold Promoters for recruiting a new CUES Group Membership or a Center for Credit Union Board Excellence (CCUBE) membership; 361 individuals were named as CUES Silver Promoters for recruiting new individual CUES or Director members; and one credit union was named a CUES Platinum Promoter for recruiting both a new CUES Group Membership and a CCUBE membership.

To find out more about CUES, visit ( ). To learn more about CCUBE, visit ( ).

The Credit Union Executives Society is a Madison, Wisconsin-based, independent, not-for-profit, international membership association for credit union executives. CUES’ mission is to educate and develop credit union CEOs, directors and future leaders.

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