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CUES Offers Free Online Course to help Directors Meet NCUA Requirement

For more information, contact:
Barb Kachelski, CAE, SVP/Chief Operating Officer
800.252.2664 or 608.271.2664, ext. 5318 ●

MADISON, Wis. – The Credit Union Executives Society is offering a free online training course, Basic Financial Statements, to help all volunteers meet the new NCUA financial literacy requirement.

“CUES has long been the expert in director education and now we’re pleased to be at the forefront of the current volunteer training need. The idea of offering a free course to help the credit union community was a natural choice for us,” said Fred Johnson, CUES president/CEO.

The course covers how to read credit union income statements and balance sheets, and ways to oversee credit union performance. Upon passing the post-training exam, directors will receive a certificate of course completion.

“CEOs want to present examiners with proof that their directors have met the financial literacy requirements; all volunteers who take the course and pass the exam will receive a certificate of completion,” said Johnson.

Volunteers can register for the course through the Center for Credit Union Board Excellence (CCUBE), Powered by CUES at To learn more about CCUBE, a new group membership offering for directors and committee members, visit

The Credit Union Executives Society is a Madison, Wisconsin-based, independent, not-for-profit, international membership association for credit union executives. Its mission is to educate and develop credit union CEOs, directors and future leaders.