
CUES® releases 2018 Executive Compensation Annual Report

MADISON, WI (July 10, 2018) — CUES has released the 2018 Executive Compensation annual report to the industry. Credit unions were asked to participate in CUES Executive Compensation Survey and/or CUES Employee Salary Survey. The report provides insight into credit union salary and compensation trends across the country to provide valuable data to attract and retain the professionals they need.

Key findings include:

  • Comparing individuals over time, CEO base salary saw an increase of 7.5% and a total compensation increase of 7.6%
  • COOs saw the largest total compensation increase of 9.2%
  • The top four factors leading to CEO’s bonuses were earnings, board evaluation, loan growth, and membership growth.
  • 22.2% of CEOs were reported to have their CCE designation.

The surveys were open from January 1 to March 31. An executive summary of the survey results is now available to subscribers.

CUES Executive Compensation Survey features valuable compensation trends, tools and data to help credit unions attract and retain well qualified professionals.

CUES Employee Salary Survey offers pertinent data to attract new hires, and valuable tools to ensure credit unions retain their top employees. It also includes the CUES’ JobWrite™ tool, which helps craft customized position descriptions based on job-related duties, qualifications, and responsibilities.

Learn more about CUES Executive Compensation Survey at and CUES Employee Salary Survey at For more about CUES, visit

About CUES

CUES is the leading talent development solutions provider for credit unions in North America. We educate, develop and support credit union CEOs, executives, directors, and emerging leaders through partnerships with premier business schools, live and online events, digital learning, networking, and premium content. With more than 50,000 members and growing, we measure success one leader at a time.

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Tony Hill, SVP/Chief Marketing Officer
800.252.2664 or 608.271.2664, ext. 321

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