
CUES® releases The State of Credit Union Governance, 2020 report

MADISON, WI (February 7, 2020) — CUES has released The State of Credit Union Governance, 2020: Credit Union Governance and Leadership Trends in partnership with Quantum Governance, L3C, co-authored by The David and Sharon Johnston Centre for Corporate Governance Innovation of the Rotman School of Management.

Similar to The State of Credit Union Governance, 2018 Report, the 2020 report offers a look at current trends in credit union governance and leadership that credit unions can use to strengthen their boards.

The 2020 report focuses on five key areas: board structure and composition, board governance, board leadership, strategy, and decision-making. It draws on data collected from the governance assessments of 115 credit union boards, as well as findings from a supplemental, online survey with responses from 320 directors and CEOs across 170 credit unions in the U.S.

Key findings include:

  • 46% of respondents described their boards as—at best—adequate in attracting the right people to serve as board members
  • 60% of boards surveyed do not perform an evaluation of their own performance
  • 25% have no process in place for removing underperforming directors

Findings also showed that credit union boards are, in certain targeted areas, stepping up in some very important ways, while they continue to fall far short in other critical ones.

“Perhaps most shocking of all, credit union directors often did not fully understand their core role and responsibilities as board members,” said Michael Daigneault, CCD, CEO, Quantum Governance, L3C. “Furthermore, we found boards are all too often focused heavily on operational, day-to-day issues that should typically fall under the purview of the CEO and senior staff.”

The full report is available for download at

“Our hope is that credit unions of all sizes can find value in our findings and implement our recommendations for their future success,” said Daigneault.

To learn more about Quantum Governance, visit To learn more about CUES, visit

About CUES

CUES is the leading talent development solutions provider for credit unions in North America. We educate, develop and support credit union CEOs, executives, directors, and emerging leaders through partnerships with premier business schools, live and online events, digital learning, networking, and premium content. With more than 50,000 members and growing, we measure success one leader at a time.

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Tony Hill, SVP/Chief Marketing Officer
800.252.2664 or 608.271.2664, ext. 321

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