
CUES to underwrite credit unions for kids charity

MADISON, WI (March 12, 2014) — CUES is pleased to announce it will be an underwriter of the Credit Unions for Kids (CU4Kids) charity, donating $22,000 to be used toward fundraising efforts.

“CUES selected CU4Kids as the recipient of these funds because we know this cause is important to our credit union membership base, and we want to support the good work they are doing,” said Chuck Fagan, CUES’ president/CEO. “This donation will be used by CU4Kids to fund their money raising efforts, as it will make the biggest impact this way.”

Credit Unions for Kids is a nonprofit collaboration of credit unions, chapters, leagues/associations and business partners from across the U.S. which engage in fundraising activities to benefit 170 Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Hospitals.

Since 1996, the CU4Kids program has generated over $100 million for CMN Hospitals.

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals treat millions of children every year, and is the world’s largest children’s charity. They treat 98% of all children needing heart or lung transplants, 88% of all children with cancer, 76% of all children with cystic fibrosis, and 72% of all children with pediatric AIDS.

Find out more about Credit Union for Kids at Visit ( ) for more on CUES.

The Credit Union Executives Society is a Madison, Wisconsin-based, independent, not-for-profit, international membership association for credit union executives. Its mission is to educate and develop credit union CEOs, directors and future leaders.

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