
CUNA CFO Council launches crash the 2014 CFO Council Conference

MADISON, WI (April 22, 2014) —  The CUNA CFO Council and the Cooperative Trust and are co-hosting the first ever Crash the CFO Council Conference. The conference is to be held May 18-21 in Las Vegas, NV.

“We’re thrilled with the opportunity to provide young credit union professionals the chance to be a part this event that brings together 400-500 credit union financial experts,” said Council Vice Chair Suzanne Weinstein, CFO of Orlando Federal Credit Union, “and we’re pleased to work with the Cooperative Trust to help make this happen.”

According to Weinstein, every Crasher will receive a full conference registration from the CFO Council, as well as a year’s membership to the Council and up to $1000 in travel expenses.

With a focus on the future of finances, within credit unions, the Crash the CFO program will give young professionals the opportunity to meet with industry leaders and existing CFO’s, to give them a deeper insight in to the world of credit union finance and planning. The Cooperative Trust will run a tailored program alongside the main event and allow for mentor sessions with key individuals. Previous sessions have included guests from the likes of National Credit Union Foundation, Credit Union National Association, National Credit Union Administration, Filene Research Institute and CUNA Mutual Group

“We are excited to partner with the CFO Council” says Cooperative Trust representative James Marshall, “this is an exciting opportunity for our Crashers to dive deeper into credit union function and functionality as opposed to mission, as with our Crash the GAC event. Having worked with the CUNA Lending Council previously, we are excited to be able to work with the CFO Council on a Crash program for their 2014 national conference.”

Applications for Crash the CFO Council close on April 23rd and successful crashers will be announced in the following week. To apply, follow this link.

About The Cooperative Trust

The Cooperative Trust is a grassroots community of young people who work in credit unions and cooperatives. Founded by the Filene Research Institute and made possible by CUNA Mutual Group, the Trust connects and enables several hundred young people fighting for the future of socially responsible finance through meet-ups, mentorships and collective action.

About Filene

Filene Research Institute is an independent, consumer finance think and do tank dedicated to scientific and thoughtful analysis about issues affecting the future of credit unions, retail banking and cooperative finance. Filene is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Nearly 1,000 members make the Institute’s research, innovation and impact programs possible.

CUNA CFO Council

The CUNA CFO Council is a member-led partnership of more than 1,200 CFOs and finance professionals dedicated to providing education, leadership, networking support, professional development tools, and expertise to its members in order to shape the enhancement of the role and diversity of operations in the credit union industry. The CUNA CFO Council is one of the six organizations that make up the CUNA Councils, a network of more than 5,800 credit union professionals. For more information, visit or

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