
CUNA Economic Update examines the effect of the credit union movement

WASHINGTON, DC (October 16, 2017) — Credit Union National Association (CUNA) has just released the October edition of the CUNA Economic Update. Sponsored by CUNA CFO Council and hosted by Jordan van Rijn, senior economist at CUNA, the update this month considers the effects of the credit union movement along with updated national economic prospects.

“The economy continues to grow along with credit union membership, loans and savings,” said van Rijn of the CUNA Economic Update. “This month we focused on the effects of credit unions on the greater economy. Member and non-member benefits, how credit unions serve people of more ‘modest means’ and how non-financial benefits have an impact on the national economy. Understanding how is a key to growing and supporting the movement.”

The CUNA Economic Update is released every month. The update can be viewed at

About CUNA

Credit Union National Association (CUNA) is the only national association that advocates on behalf of all of America’s credit unions, which are owned by 135 million consumer members. CUNA, along with its network of affiliated state credit union leagues, delivers unwavering advocacy, continuous professional growth and operational confidence to protect the best interests of all credit unions. For more information about CUNA, visit To find your nearest credit union, visit


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