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CUNA Lending Council Celebrates 1,000 Members

Jenny Jackson
CUNA Councils
(608) 231-4102

The CUNA Lending Council announces the group has reached the milestone of 1,000 members, a result of several years of consistent growth and members’ growing commitment to collectively refining the best practices of the credit union industry.  Lending is now among three CUNA Councils with membership in excess of 1,000.

“Reaching this milestone is significant,” says Aaron Bresko, Lending Council Executive Committee Chair and VP of Lending at BECU. “The Councils provide credit union lenders with a unique and active community where they can reach out to one another, grow professionally, and obtain education and resources that are specific to their lending responsibilities at the credit union.  Credit union lenders recognize how unique the Lending Council is in our industry.”

Gayle Rust Gustafson, Lending Council Membership Committee Chair and SVP-Financial Services at Rivermark Community CU adds, “what’s really significant about the 1,000 member milestone is that we’re helping more and more credit union lenders handle immediate issues, plan for future successes, and build more competitive lending programs.”

This news comes on the tail of the CUNA Councils announcement of surpassing 5,000 members across all six Councils.  As part of the collective 5,000 member celebration, now through August 31, 2011, credit union executives can join any of the six Councils at a special rate, and current members can help Councils celebrate by submitting their story about what membership means to them now more than ever!

Anyone joining or submitting a story is entered in a drawing to win: Grand Prize of a $5,000 CUNA education/training scholarship, a complementary registration to a Council conference, a 2012 Council membership, an Apple iPad, or a $100 Visa gift card.

“The drawings are a fun way to celebrate the ongoing success of the Councils,” says Rust Gustafson. “The Council leadership remains committed to making the benefits of membership relevant, timely and affordable.”

To join CUNA Councils at the special rate, share your story, or to learn more about Councils, visit

About CUNA Councils – More Advice. More Answers. More Real World Solutions.
With a growing membership of more than 5,000, the CUNA Councils provide networking, research, and education resources to credit union executives across 6 disciplines, including: finance, marketing/business development, HR/training, technology, operations, and lending.  For more information, visit

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CUNA Lending Council

The CUNA Lending Council is the premier source of best practices information for lending professionals in the credit union industry. Guided by a self-directed and self-governed community of more than 1,000 industry lending professionals, the council provides networking support, education, current information, and professional development tools for its members. The CUNA Lending Council is one of the six organizations that make up the CUNA Councils, a network of more than 4,750 credit union professionals. For more information, visit or