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CUNA Mutual Group’s November 2019 Credit Union Trends Report

The Credit Union Trends Report is a monthly "pulse check" on the state of the credit union marketplace, often placed in a historical context. The report includes data from two months prior and is published and distributed by Steven Rick from CUNA Mutual Group.

November Report Highlights (September data):

  • During September, loan balances grew at a 5.7% annualized pace, while savings balances rose at a 9.1% annualized pace.
  • New-auto loan balances rose only 2.4% during the last 12 months, significantly below the 12.5% increase set in the year ending in September 2018
  • The credit union loan-to-share ratio is down 0.5% over the last year to 84.7% from 85.2% due to loan growth falling short of savings deposits growth.

