
CUNA’s Community Credit Union Committee Releases Second in Series of Four Whitepapers

Mark Wolff – CUNA Communications; (202) 508-6764;
Bonnie Bailey – CUNA Marketing; (608) 231-4215;


CUNA’s Community Credit Union Committee today released the second in a series of four whitepapers titled Best Practices in Community and Market Development, which offers insight on how credit unions can position themselves as leaders in both the financial industry and the community in a time where consumers have great mistrust with the large, powerful institutions in our country.

The release of the whitepaper comes at a critical time. The financial crisis and Great Recession have served to alienate American consumers from large financial institutions, corporations and government bureaucracies that have let them down. More than ever, consumers and small businesses want to associate with entities they can trust. Changes in the landscape of corporate America and employment markets, coupled with wide-open competition in financial services now make growth much more of a proactive discipline for credit unions.

Best Practices in Community and Market Development is written to serve as a playbook for credit unions striving to be a source of focus and energy in rebuilding the financial lives of American families through supporting, educating and empowering their local communities.

The CUNA Community Credit Union Committee was formed in 2006 to provide support for the growing group of community credit unions.  The committee’s purpose is to support and service community credit unions and credit unions considering a community charter through: representation of community credit unions’ unique legal, legislative, and regulatory needs; and education, resources, and information.

To download a free copy of Best Practices in Community and Market Development, visit

For additional educational opportunities, attend CUNA Community Credit Union & Growth Conference October 6-9, 2010. Community Credit Union Best Practices and Best Practices in Community Credit Union Performance are just two of the session offered. Check out the full agenda at



About CUNA – Your Trusted Resource for Credit Union Success™

With its network of affiliated state credit union leagues, Credit Union National Association (CUNA) serves 90 percent of America’s 7,700 credit unions, which are owned by more than 90 million consumer members. Credit unions are not-for-profit cooperatives providing affordable financial services to people from all walks of life. For more information, visit

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