On July 21, 2020, cooperative CUSO CU*Answers will present a free web-based educational course for credit unions covering the steps necessary to create a relevant and comprehensive Business Continuity Plan. New for this presentation are considerations for pandemic planning and mobilizing the remote workforce learned during COVID-19 and government stay-at-home mandates. This webinar is one of many offered to all credit unions throughout the year as part of the CU*Answers University educational program.
“This year, we re-introduced an all-but-forgotten threat to most organizations in the U.S.; the pandemic,” said Jim Lawrence, Vice President of Business Continuity. “While most pandemic plans prior to 2020 addressed the ability to continue serving members with a significantly reduced staff size, today we must plan and prepare for a dynamic range of operational restrictions, the security and availability of a remote workforce, prolonged scenario durations, and the potential for multiple waves with little advance notice.”
Each stage of the process provides valuable information for further mitigating risk and enhancing any gaps or weaknesses in your existing Business Continuity Plan.
The course ends with components to include in the plan and recommendations for maintaining and testing. Additional complementary courses are offered throughout the year on business continuity, information security, and incident response. The course schedule is available on the CU*Answers website.