
Diamond Credit Union joins DaLand CUSO’s CODE Council

Diamond CU commits to extend its brand— “that’s Younity”— into a community-connecting reality.

ROCKY HILL, CT (August 30, 2021) — DaLand LLC, the next-generation fin-tech CUSO serving community financial institutions and their strategies to ensure relevance in the future of digital and community commerce, welcomed Diamond CU as the most recent addition to its premier panel of partners comprising the DaLand “CODE Council”. “C.O.D.E”, short for “Core Optimized Digital Experience,” is a revolutionary technology and strategy relevance engine.

The power of DaLand’s CODE Council starts with an emphasis on strategy; mapping, protecting, and evolving strategy and operations to be at the CORE of experience. Jim Daly, Diamond CU’s VP, CIO explains Diamond’s decision to join the CODE Council and optimize the credit union’s operations to create modern, lasting community connections in the digital age, with one word: “Relevance! DaLand’s vision of the future and ours is synchronous. We believe in using the core to its fullest.”

Diamond’s CEO John Faust continues, “not only can DaLand enhance the member experience, but we will also enhance the staff experience.” Daly and Faust look forward to a near future when the credit union will be able to “train new employees that they will find everything they need in the core,” Faust illustrates.

Faust explains the credit union’s long-term partnership to adopt CODE discipline and abandon the treadmill of this years’ software “solutions” philosophically. “Today, people crave being part of something special.” The credit union’s brand promise—”that’s YOUNITY”—commits the credit union to more than traditional “banking” and its commodity products, platforms, and processes.

The CODE Engine is designed by DaLand CUSO to drive optimization and modernization of FI operations, and is fueled by a proprietary philosophy of using core data to drive connection to community and digital commerce for relevance in the 21st Century.  The goal: connecting institutions to their communities via optimized operations strengthened by a valuable spectrum of digital portals and professional services to support operational transformation.

Hinting at the transformation that “full-spectrum” partnership with DaLand and CODE allows, Faust adds that by consolidating and controlling data across the consumer experience, “we will identify community problems and get out there to solve these problems.”

While holding the specifics of his plan close, Faust makes it clear that its Diamond’s operational strategy that has been transformed by—and for—the digital age. “We’re part of something bigger. By retaining data, we will be able to do some amazing things.”

About DaLand CUSO

DaLand CUSO is a leading provider of technology solutions for credit unions, offering innovative products and services that drive financial inclusion and digital transformation. Its mission is to empower credit unions to serve their members better through cutting-edge technology and strategic partnerships.


Randy Ralston
DaLand CUSO Media Relations
Phone: (402) 560-5387

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