
DigitalMailer Launches Leeflet™ – Paperless Brochure Targeted Direct to Consumer

Electronic marketing firm teams up with The Filene Research Institute to offer easy-to-use program

Herndon, Va. (Jan. 23, 2013) — DigitalMailer, Inc., a leader in digital communication solutions for the financial industry, has created Leeflet, user-friendly service that sends information customers want to read straight from their credit union to their email inboxes. DigitalMailer developed the program in partnership with The Filene Institute, a think tank that analyzes issues affecting the future of consumer finance and credit unions.

“We were approached by a Filene i3 [a Filene innovation group] team to create a program enabling financial institutions to reduce marketing costs while also tracking customer reaction – who reads the material and who acts on it,” said Ron Daly, President/CEO of DigitalMailer. “Leeflet is a natural extension of our corporate mission of helping financial institutions extend their e-communication reach while saving paper and money.”

Daly says the typical marketing brochure or circular on terms, rates and conditions is out of date well before the supply runs out. “When you consider the cost of printing and mailing these pieces, it can quickly drain the marketing budget.”

The Filene Institute currently is offering Leeflet as a pilot program, and response has been positive, according to Jason Milesko, Chief of Applied Research and Innovation. “This program is already a success story,” he said. “It matches a great i3 idea with a collaborative digital communication provider, and is showing real-world results in the first credit unions to launch the service.”

Interested credit unions also may contact DigitalMailer at to sign up or learn more about Leeflet.

Program Benefits

  • Eliminates printing and mailing costs
  • Allows brochures/circulars to be easily updated
  • Increases open rate through quick, convenient delivery
  • Tracks click throughs and brochure performance
  • Enables faster responses and loan approvals

About DigitalMailer

DigitalMailer, Inc. ( works with financial institutions to open their biggest branch – the virtual branch. Using its expertise and today’s technology, DigitalMailer helps organizations connect with customers in the online channel they prefer, driving consistent, managed messages that are optimized for communication, convenience, efficiency and promotion of product growth. To learn more, visit DigitalMailer’s website or call (866) 994-4900.

About Filene Research Institute

The non-profit Filene Research Institute is a consumer finance think tank serving the North American credit union system of $1.3 trillion in assets and more than 100 million members. Filene publishes objective research and fosters consumer-focused financial innovation. The Institute collaborates with leading researchers and academic institutions worldwide.

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