
Douglas Webster joins CU Strategic Planning as senior strategist

TACOMA, WA (January 6, 2020)CU Strategic Planning proudly announces the addition of Douglas Webster as senior strategist at the company. He will be providing enterprise risk management and value-based management advising to CU Strategic Planning clients who are entering community development, which can carry new risks, from financial to additional community partnerships.

Webster is an international enterprise risk management expert. For the past 20 years, he has been consulting to federal and state agencies, public and private companies- and now credit unions. His career includes bipartisan appointment to serve as the CFO of the U.S. Department of Labor, and then as CFO of the U.S. Department of Education by two Presidents of the United States of America. Webster also served as USAID’s director of government-to-government risk management increasing the impacts of the $20 billion in grants USAID provides annually to save lives, reduce poverty, strengthen democratic governance, and help people emerge from humanitarian crises.

“CU Strategic Planning’s NorthStar is unlocking opportunities for credit unions to change communities and improve lives,” Mike Beall, chief strategic and advocacy officer, said. “Having written 70% of all the award-winning first-time credit union CDFI grant applications in 2019, it is natural that our firm is expanding its consulting to provide enterprise risk management for credit unions entering the field of community development.”

“I’m really excited to join the CU Strategic Planning team, focusing on enterprise risk management as some of our client credit unions enter community development and economic empowerment for the first time or are expanding existing programs,” Webster said. “It will be eye opening for them, and I’m sure for me at times. This new role dovetails elegantly with my experience, captured in my new book, Value-Based Management in Government, which guides organizations through meaningful and beneficial strategic planning and carries into operations. The work I am doing at CU Strategic Planning is exactly where I want to be, balancing stakeholder returns and resource allocation, as well as the risk involved.”

Five years ago, Doug developed a new practice called value-based management, which is the focus of his fourth book being released by Wiley and Sons in January 2020. He previously co-authored books on cost management, change management and ERM. In addition, as part of his commitment to improving the world, Webster is also a Director Emeritus of one of the largest credit union in America and is a certified CU Development Educator through the National CU Foundation.

“I’ve held Doug in the highest regard since meeting at Credit Union Development Education training in 2007,” Jamie Strayer, founder/co-owner of CU Strategic Planning, said. “It is an absolute honor to have Doug join CU Strategic Planning to provide Enterprise Risk Management consulting to credit unions embracing community development. For many credit unions, increasing their impact in their communities includes new partnerships, product enhancements and a change to their distribution of loans. As the premier grant writing firm to the credit union industry, CU Strategic Planning is committed to the safety and soundness of its clients and the industry at large.”

​Doug and his wife of 44 years have called Virginia home for the past 30 years after living in the Philippines for seven. They are avid world travelers having visited and have worked in more than 40 countries.

About CU Strategic Planning

Since 2008, CU Strategic Planning has provided business planning services for credit unions, focusing on community development. The company is the No. 1 CDFI certification, grant-writing and compliance firm for credit unions in the country. Through grants, strategic and tactical planning, community summit facilitation and more, CU Strategic Planning achieves its mission to unlock opportunities for credit unions to change lives and their communities. CU Strategic Planning’s expert consulting includes securing and managing compliance for $945 million in US Treasury CDFI grants and related award funding.  


Sarah Snell Cooke



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