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Global Women’s Leadership Network chair, Susan Mitchell, to pass the baton and World Council will name a new chair on March 3, 2021 during GAC GWLN Breakfast

Since 2009, the World Council of Credit Unions’ Global Women’s Leadership Network (GWLN) blazed the DEI trail as a worldwide credit union movement with the relevant purpose – advancing women. GWLN takes on all shapes in accordance with what is needed to push for progress based upon individual and global circumstances. From poverty, struggling students, starving widows to building businesses, career development and breaking the glass ceiling! The vision holds true. For Founding Chair, Susan Mitchell, CEO of Mitchell Stankovic & Associates, the desire to change lives is a burning passion. “Our collective goal is to build a network across all boundaries to change societies by reaching families, children, men and women of all colors, sexual orientation and socio- economic status.”

GWLN is a fabric of diversity woven into a quilt of experiences that warms us all as we gather to support each other during crisis, celebrate our success and stand strong for the future. “For more than ten years, GWLN has known that bridging the gaps in society requires cooperatives to unite around the world! I thank Brian Branch, President and CEO of World Council for asking me in 2009 to become the Chair to help World Council build GWLN by working with volunteers worldwide. I am very proud of the work we have done and what we have created. There is no better time to strengthen our path forward,” commented Sue. “I will be passing the baton and World Council will be naming a new Chair on March 3, 2021 at the GWLN breakfast during GAC.”

GWLN’s mission is to provide women with opportunities to make a measureable difference in the lives of each other, their credit unions and their communities. And GWLN is making it happen and have the metrics to prove it: 130 local Sister Societies on six continents, more than 4500 women and men engaged from 85 countries, 64 scholarships to women worldwide and empowerment grants that started business development centers in Asia, entrepreneurial enterprises in North Macedonia, feeding families in Kenya, and in the US, financial counseling for pregnant high school girls wanting to graduate and apply for college. The HE for SHE movement illustrates GWLN’s inclusion encouraging men to join the effort as members and wear pink ties to demonstrate visible commitment and growing scale of GWLN. In fact, GWLN pink items have become a major connector as a “sea of pink” cloaks credit union events around the world. All of this could not happen without incredible fundraising by GWLN credit union and credit union service or anization (CUSO) volunteers who commit their time, talent and treasure to advancing women. Digital strategies have fast forwarded communications and governments are taking note, recognizing the economic impact on women. GWLN has never been stronger.

“We thank, Sue, for her dedication and support over the last 12 years,” noted Brian Branch. “I have witnessed her impact from villages to continents around the world. Thousands of women and men are connecting through GWLN to make a difference. Together, we demonstrate the cooperative principles that World Council founders believed in over 50 years ago – people helping people.”

“All of us must continue to push for progress as the pandemic has disproportionately impacted women,” Sue Mitchell continued. “Rest assured that passing the baton does not mean standing down. In fact, I will be standing up as a member of the Credit Union DEI Collective Governing Board and I will remain on the Worldwide Foundation Board as we focus on bridging the gap for all people.”

Mitchell Stankovic and Associates