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Good Works Inc. Receives $5,000 in Honor of Carol Humenick

For Immediate Release:
August 30, 2011

For more information, contact:
Christopher Stevenson, VP/Marketing & Professional Development
800.252.2664 or 608.271.2664, ext. 5315

MADISON, Wis.—The Credit Union Executives Society contributed $5,000 to Good Works Inc., in honor of former board member and past chairman Carol Humenick, CCE, who served on the CUES® board from 2001-2011. Ms. Humenick passed away on August 27, 2011.

Humenick’s credit union career spanned more than 30 years. She was heavily involved in the credit union movement, chairing the Youth Involvement committees in both the Philadelphia County and Delaware County Credit Union chapters, serving as a member of the Pennsylvania Youth Involvement Board, and participating in dozens of volunteer activities in her community.

“It was such a pleasure to serve with Carol on the CUES board. Her contributions helped CUES and the credit union movement,” said Frederick Healey, CUES’ board chairman.  “Her international focus helped CUES to grow; she left a true legacy at CUES and within the movement.”

“Carol will be missed tremendously, both personally and professionally. We will always value and appreciate her service to CUES, and we will miss the expertise and guidance she provided us. We will also miss her kindness, sense of humor, and the calming influence she brought to CUES events and board meetings,” said Fred Johnson, CUES’ president/CEO.

“Her hard work and efforts in support of CUES will be remembered; she was instrumental in having the ‘future leader’ focus added to CUES’ mission statement. Additionally, she was an active member of the CUES Delaware Valley Council, serving as its president from 2000 through 2005,” said Johnson.

Good Works Inc. was founded in 1988. This Christian, nonprofit organization is dedicated to repairing homes and restoring hope for low-income homeowners in Chester County, Pa.

For more information about Good Works Inc., visit For more information about CUES, visit

The Credit Union Executives Society is a Madison, Wisconsin-based, independent, not-for-profit, international membership association for credit union executives. CUES’ mission is to educate and develop credit union CEOs, directors and future leaders.