
Governors to Carolinas CUs: Your work to serve citizens is most appreciated

COLUMBIA, SC (September 10, 2020) — North and South Carolina credit unions’ diligence and resilience in supporting pandemic-affected citizens have impressed the states’ governors, who shared their appreciation via video messages for the Carolinas Credit Union League 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting on September 1.

NC Governor Roy Cooper and SC Governor Henry McMaster welcomed participants to the virtual event and praised credit unions’ timely impact, emphasizing their extensive collective work and its importance to the states’ economies and people.

Cooper and McMaster provided the messages to the League Advocacy team, which had provided the governors their respective state’s credit union COVID-19 response data. Information was derived from surveys and collection points via the League, Credit Union National Association (CUNA), and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).

The League also had worked quickly and proactively with both governors’ offices to ensure credit unions were deemed essential businesses as the pandemic brought changes in service availability.

“As families and small businesses faced financial hardship because of this virus, you’ve been an essential part of helping them stay afloat,” Gov. Cooper recognized in his message. “You should take pride in the way you’ve connected with your community and kept their best interests in mind.”

“We’re delighted that the credit unions have been so successful and instrumental in the success and growth of all the people of South Carolina,” Gov. McMaster added. “You’ve been particularly able to respond to the needs and well-being of the people, and we all appreciate that very much.”

Since presenting the governors’ messages during its Annual Business Session, the League has shared the videos with members and social media followers via Twitter and Facebook. For CCUL President and CEO Dan Schline, the video messages punctuate the cooperation credit unions and their associations have demonstrated in times of crisis.

“We are grateful for the support Governor Cooper and Governor McMaster have provided, and for their recognition of the unique role each credit union has played in communities throughout the Carolinas. Their taking the time to express it directly to our members as the pandemic continues speaks volumes about how much these leaders value credit unions and the relationships we have built together.”

For more on League Advocacy, reach out to VP of Governmental Affairs (NC) Evelyn Hawthorne or VP of Governmental Affairs (SC) Billy Boylson.

About Carolinas Credit Union League

The Carolinas Credit Union League is the not-for-profit association of credit unions throughout North and South Carolina. Established in 2014 with a commitment to the cooperative spirit, the Carolinas Credit Union League is credit unions’ primary advocate and much more, promoting their success through risk and compliance resources, professional development, product and service enhancements, and back-office support.


Courtney Jackson
Director, Integrated Communications

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