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Harsin named CEO

The Prodigy Board of Directors announced today that Amber Harsin, EVP of Market Engagement, has been named CEO, to replace Bret Weekes following his retirement to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. “We are very pleased to announce today the Board’s decision to name Amber as our next CEO. She has been an integral part of our company’s senior leadership for many years and we have great confidence in her. As a board, we know she will lead our CUSO to achieve the strategic vision that we have established, and with a focus and passion for our cooperative that will continue to build and lift our CUSO network.” stated Jack Creager, Board Chairman.

“I’m honored to be named CEO and grateful to have the opportunity to carry the strategic vision and direction of the CUSO forward. I am passionate about what we are doing at Prodigy and the value that is returned to our owners and peers through patronage in the CUSO. We have an incredible network, team and product at Prodigy, and I’m confident we will continue to accomplish remarkable things.” commented Harsin. “We have been building a foundation of success that I look forward to continuing. Prodigy is a remarkable organization and I am excited to leveraging the cooperative model to continue to provide relevant technology to credit unions nationwide.”

“Amber has been a leader in the CUSO for years and we feel very confident in her ability to lift the company to new heights.” stated John Faries, Vice Chair. “Prodigy is positioned for a long and bright future and with Amber as our CEO I know our CUSO will grow and positively impact our network and the industry.”

Harsin has a B.S. in Technical Sales degree from Western Governors University and has 15 year of credit union industry experience.

