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Hawaii State FCU donates $10,000 to Center for Tomorrow’s Leaders

Money was raised through online votes in Board of Directors election

Hawaii State Federal Credit Union (Hawaii State FCU), Hawaii’s largest credit union lender with more than 106,000 members on Oahu and Maui, has donated $10,000 to the Center for Tomorrow’s Leaders (CTL) as part of its Board of Directors election campaign to benefit a local nonprofit. As an incentive to encourage members to vote during its 2019 Board of Directors election, Hawaii State FCU pledged to donate $5 for every online vote, up to $10,000, to CTL.

“Through our Board of Directors election, members have a unique opportunity to give back to their community and support a cause that sets Hawaii’s youth on the trajectory for future academic and professional success,” said Andrew Rosen, president and CEO of Hawaii State FCU. “We are happy to support the Center for Tomorrow’s Leaders and their mission to engage and empower future leaders by making a difference today.”

Hawaii State FCU began partnering with CTL in 2017 to engage and teach Hawaii high school students about real-life financial topics not covered in their school’s curriculum. Topics have included, basic budgeting, balancing a checking account, the power of saving, debt management and the importance of having good credit, and tips for financing college.

“We believe that the next generation of leaders should be financially literate,” said Katie Chang, executive director of Center for Tomorrow’s Leaders. “We’re grateful to Hawaii State FCU for teaching our students about the importance of building strong money habits to avoid making mistakes that can lead to lifelong financial struggles.”

Since 2015, Hawaii State FCU’s Board of Directors election campaign has donated more than $40,000 to support local nonprofits including Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawaii, Kapiolani Children’s Miracle Network, Make-a-Wish Hawaii and PBS Hawaii.

For a list of Hawaii State FCU branch locations or for more information, please visit

Hawaii State Federal Credit Union
