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June 2018 NCUA Board Meeting video available

The video recording of the June 21, 2018, open meeting of the National Credit Union Administration Board is now available on the agency’s website.

Archived videos of past Board meetings may be viewed here, and each video remains on the site for one year.

At the June open meeting, the Board unanimously approved two items:

  • A final rule amending the agency’s regulations governing its chartering and field-of-membership rules with respect to applicants for a community charter approval, expansion, or conversion.
  • A final rule to provide members of federally insured credit unions with greater transparency when those credit unions seek voluntary mergers.

The Office of General Counsel briefed the Board on a final rule approved by notation vote on May 30, 2018 that made conforming amendments to the NCUA’s member business loan regulations.

The agency’s Deputy Executive Director, Chief Information Officer, and Business Innovation Director briefed the Board on the progress of the agency’s Enterprise Solution Modernization program.

The NCUA posts these videos as part of the agency’s ongoing efforts to provide transparency and to allow those unable to attend Board meetings the opportunity to become better informed. An interval between the meeting and posting is necessary for the videos to comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act for the hearing and visually impaired.

The Board Actions page of the NCUA’s website has more information, including Board agendas, which are posted at least one week in advance of each open meeting; copies of Board Action Bulletins, which summarize the meetings; copies of Board memorandums and other documents.

National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)
