
Launching CUNA’s attack on regulatory burden

Jim Nussle, CUNA President and CEO's letter to credit unions regarding the election outcome

WASHINGTON, DC (November 9, 2016) — Dear CUNA Members,

Last night’s election results were enormously important for America – and for America’s credit unions. As your CUNA team continues to analyze the results of last night’s election I wanted to send a brief note to the CUNA membership.

First and foremost, on behalf of CUNA I congratulate President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence for their victory. We look forward to working with Mr. Trump and his team on issues vital to America’s middle class and credit unions. To that end:

I am launching credit unions’ attack to reduce regulatory burden now – and I need you.

Each year America’s credit unions face upward of $7 billion in excessive regulatory burden, which results in over $70 a year being taken from the pockets of every single credit union member in America. We must continue to focus on this critical issue. We pledge to work with the Trump administration and the new Congress on easing regulatory burden for America’s credit unions and the millions of American consumers they serve. This has been CUNA’s highest priority and will remain so going forward.

As you know, CUNA’s focus on the growing needs of America’s middle class has been central to our strategy this year. There is a real and impactful feeling among America’s middle class that Washington is not doing enough to help them, and I believe that was reflected in last night’s results. At CUNA, we will double-down on our fight for the middle class.

Our bipartisan, national investments over this election cycle of nearly $6 million to support credit union champions was hugely successful. Over 95 percent of the Congressional candidates CUNA, CULAC and the Leagues supported – Democrats and Republicans alike – were victorious last night. This is an enormous win, and we thank all of you who contributed and worked with us to elect this bipartisan group.

There is no question that this has been a difficult, divisive presidential campaign – regardless of which candidate you backed. But now, as Americans, we must come together and focus on what we can and must do to unite this nation. America’s credit unions reflect a broad cross-section of the American people, and I can think of no better group of people to immediately begin that healing process.

You will hear much more from CUNA in the coming days. In the meantime, know your CUNA team will continue our fierce advocacy on behalf of credit unions.

Jim Nussle
President & CEO
Credit Union National Association

About CUNA

Credit Union National Association (CUNA) is the only national association that advocates on behalf of all of America’s credit unions, which are owned by 135 million consumer members. CUNA, along with its network of affiliated state credit union leagues, delivers unwavering advocacy, continuous professional growth and operational confidence to protect the best interests of all credit unions. For more information about CUNA, visit To find your nearest credit union, visit


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