
Leeflet moves out of pilot phase: Twelve users renew, five more signing on

HERNDON, VA (April 17, 2014) — DigitalMailer announced today that twelve of the credit unions that signed up for the Leeflet pilot program via Filene Research Institute will continue using Leeflet as clients.

“We were thrilled to learn that so many of our pilot credit unions will be renewing and continuing to offer Leeflet to their members,” said Ron Daly, President and CEO of DigitalMailer. “We’ve heard many terrific stories from our clients about ways they have used Leeflet to replace printed material and spread important information to members.”

“The idea grew from our research on operational efficiencies and was developed by one of our i3 teams in coordination with DigitalMailer as a way to cut paper costs,” said Tansley Stearns, Chief Impact Officer of Filene Research Institute. “We quickly found out that cutting the paper costs was only one of the benefits. Leeflet also helps credit unions deliver information to members quickly and easily and helps build and strengthen credit unions’ sales cultures.”

Leeflet credit unions have sent a total of 11,385 Leeflet emails to date. Leeflet can leverage content already found in product brochures or new content can be developed specifically for the new electronic format. The content is presented via HTML email, complete with images and links. Leeflets can be offered at the branch, through business development teams in the field, on a credit union’s website or via any web-capable device. Credit unions are also testing self-service delivery via in-branch technology such as tablet devices.

To learn more, visit or call (866) 994-4900.

About DigitalMailer
DigitalMailer, Inc. helps financial institutions and businesses open their biggest branch – the virtual branch. Using its expertise and today’s technology, DigitalMailer helps organizations connect with customers in the online channel they prefer, driving consistent, managed messages that are optimized for communication, convenience, efficiency and promotion of product growth. To learn more, visit or call (866) 994-4900.


About Filene
Filene Research Institute is an independent, consumer finance think and do tank dedicated to scientific and thoughtful analysis about issues affecting the future of credit unions, retail banking and cooperative finance. Founded 25 years ago in Madison, Wis., Filene is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Nearly 1,000 members make the nonprofit’s research, innovation and impact programs possible. 

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