Patty Briotta
PR Manager
Washington, DC -— The National Association of Federal Credit Unions (NAFCU) has launched a series of videos that underscore the importance of political involvement and how credit unions can take part during NAFCU’s upcoming Congressional Caucus, Sept. 11-14 at the Mayflower Renaissance Hotel, Washington, D.C.
“Credit unions are caught in an unprecedented tidal wave of regulation and legislation,” NAFCU Director of Political Affairs Katie Marisic. “The Dodd-Frank Act has led to thousands of pages of new rules and tax reform is heating up. In characterizing the tax-reform debate, Sen. Max Baucus, the powerful chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, has said ‘everything’s on the table.’ Credit unions need to make their voices heard, loud and clear, to their senators and representatives about how these issues affect them and their members.”
In order to highlight the critical need for advocacy, NAFCU created a 4-part video series that offers insights from NAFCU government affairs experts about the broad spectrum of issues that are pending for credit unions. The videos can be viewed at
NAFCU’s Congressional Caucus is the association’s lobbying event of the year. While speakers continue to be added to the program, numerous members of Congress, Freddie Mac President and CEO Donald Layton, Federal Housing Finance Agency Acting Director Edward DeMarco, Federal Housing Administration Acting Commissioner Carole Galante have been confirmed.
For more information about NAFCU’s 2012 Congressional Caucus or to register, please visit
About Us:
The National Association of Federal Credit Unions is the only national organization that focuses exclusively on federal issues affecting credit unions, representing its members before the federal government and the public.