The League of Southeastern Credit Unions and Affiliates (LSCU) named Sen. Arthur Orr (R-Decatur) as the 2018 Alabama State Lawmaker of the Year to acknowledge his strong support of Alabama credit unions during his time in the Alabama Senate.
Among the numerous committees he serves, Orr is the Chairman of the Finance and Taxation Committee. In 2018, Orr sponsored SB 318, the Alabama Data Breach Notification Act. This legislation required entities to notify consumers about a breach where information was determined to have been obtained by an unauthorized individual.
Orralso led payday reform efforts in the 2018 session by sponsoring SB 138. This legislation would have required payday lenders to offer a 30-day term on all payday loans.
“Sen. Orrhas exhibited outstanding service for credit unions in Alabama,” said Patrick La Pine, president/CEO of the LSCU. “With his powerful position as chairman of the Financial and Taxation Committee, he is able to move the needle in a significant way in regard to data breach issues and payday lending reform. We salute him for his work and for his recognition for the critical role credit unions play as community and service-oriented financial institutions.”
The LSCU announced Orr’s receipt of the award at a legislative reception held during the spring Alabama Advocacy Conference in Montgomery, AL.

Arthur Orr