
Malauzai Software, Inc. Reports October 2012 Mobile Banking Usage Indices

Austin, TX, November 12, 2012 – Malauzai Software, a leader in mobile banking, today released data from the Monkey Insights service, reporting key trends in mobile banking application usage for October, 2012.  The study is based on October data for over 60 banks and credit unions encompassing 475,000 logins for 55,000 registered mobile banking users.

Index Definitions:

Mobile Engagement Index
The MEI tracks the level of mobile engagement found within a community of mobile banking users.  The index is calculated by reviewing average logins, session duration, feature utilization and enrollment levels.

Mobile Money Index
The MMI tracks the level of usage of money movement features within mobile banking.  This includes internal transfers, external transfers, bill pay and mobile check capture.  The index is calculated by reviewing average transaction counts per end user and the overall dollar value of money movements.

Mobile Engagement Index
For October, the Mobile Engagement Index increased by (+) 3.27.  Feature usage is up 10% in October, driving the spike in the MEI.  The proliferation of “Automated Login (SmarText)” is driving down session duration by approximately 15%, positive for end-user experience but shorter sessions none-the-less.

Mobile Money Index
The overall MMI decreased in October as it looks like September’s bump was an anomaly.  Upon further research, we see there were larger than average transfer amounts for iOS end-users in September, which drove up the average.  Mobile capture transactions are also on the increase in October.  This is due to more and more banks and credit unions offering the service.  An average active end-user deposited 2 items per month in October.

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