
Midwest CUSO enters Alaska

GRAND RAPIDS, MI (January 15, 2014) — Xtend, Inc., the Grand Rapids, Michigan-based multi-owned cooperative CUSO, announced that that Ketchikan, Alaska-based Tongass Federal Credit Union (7,000 members; $67M in assets) has purchased an ownership block of shares and will become its first Alaska customer-owner during an upcoming data processing conversion.  The credit union will be converting to the CU*BASE® core data processing solution from Spokane, Washington-based CUSO CU*Northwest, Inc.

“We are excited to welcome our first owner from the great State of Alaska,” said Xtend President Scott Collins, “and our team is excited to help our partners at CU*Northwest bring their first Alaska-based client into the network as well.  After a due diligence visit last fall, Tongass quickly tapped us on the shoulder to provide call center and back office support for members and staff during their upcoming conversion project.”  Collins noted, “Our partners at CU*Northwest will lead the project, and we look forward to working closely with their experts and the credit union team to make this an excellent transition to an exciting new toolset.”

The conversion project is scheduled for March 1st.

About Xtend (

Xtend, Inc. is a 100% credit union-owned CUSO formed in 2002 with headquarters in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  Xtend provides a wide array of managerial, operational, marketing, technical planning and consulting services for credit unions of all sizes.  In short, Xtend is an aggregation point for shared resources that allows credit unions to deliver products and services more cost-effectively.  Their strategic offerings include bookkeeping services, member contact services, back-office mortgage services, partnered liquidity opportunities, shared branching, compliance monitoring, and insurance services.  Xtend provides services for over 170 credit unions representing and is currently owned by 73 credit union partners.

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