
More than 400 Credit Union Professionals Earned Their Credit Union Compliance Expert Certification or Recertification in 2011

Mark Wolff, CUNA Communications; (202) 508-6764;
Amy Nigrelli, CUNA Marketing; (608) 231-4246;

Madison, WI
, February 29, 2012 – CUNA is proud to announce that more than 400 credit union compliance professionals, from 49 states earned or renewed their CUNA Credit Union Compliance Expert (CUCE) Certification in 2011. This certificate was created by CUNA to help credit union compliance professionals stay up-to-date with the latest compliance regulations and ensure credit unions are operating within the confines of current law. Due to the ever-changing compliance environment, the CUCE certification must be renewed every three years.

CUNA congratulates those earning or renewing their CUNA Credit Union Compliance Expert Certification (CUCE) in 2011 for the dedication they have shown in staying current with today’s regulatory landscape. The names and the credit unions of the CUCE certified and recertified professionals are listed in the attached documents.

The CUNA Credit Union Compliance Expert (CUCE) Certificate will continue to be offered in 2012. Certification and recertification are available in 2012 through CUNA Regulatory Compliance Schools (April 21-27, 2012 in Orlando, Florida or September 15-21, 2012 in Anaheim, California) or at CUNA Regulatory Compliance eSchools (April 18- June 27, 2012 or September 25 – November 27, 2012).  Certification can also be received through the CUNA Regulatory Training & Certification Program (RegTraC), a self-study compliance certification program.

For more information on how to earn the CUNA Credit Union Compliance Expert (CUCE) Certification or the RegTraC self-study courses, visit For information about the CUNA Regulatory Compliance Schools, visit

About CUNA:
With its network of affiliated state credit union leagues, Credit Union National Association (CUNA) serves 90 percent of America’s 7,400 state and federally chartered credit unions, which are owned by nearly 94 million consumer members. Credit unions are not-for-profit cooperatives providing affordable financial services to people from all walks of life.  For more information about CUNA, visit or the CUNAverse blog and follow @CUNAverse on Twitter.  For more information about credit unions, visit and follow @asmarterchoice on Twitter.

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