
Mortgage-lending workshop’s speakers, agenda announced

Two-day ACUMA program set for Charleston, S.C., in May and Minneapolis in June

MIDDLETON, WI (February 23, 2018) — The annual two-day spring workshops for mortgage-lending credit unions have been announced by ACUMA (the American Credit Union Mortgage Association).

The workshops will be held May 22-23 in Charleston, S.C., and June 19-20 in Minneapolis. Registration and detailed information about both events is available online at Attendance is limited; the program is the same at both locations.

The workshops feature expert speakers and examines the latest developments in mortgage lending. It offers attendees the opportunity to take a “deep dive” into important topics impacting their operations.

Session topics include “How the Latest Tax Reform Changes Impact Housing,” a Talk Show session on “Mortgage Lending Marketing Ideas,” a Roundtable Discussion on “Purchase Money Strategies from Pre-approval to Engaging with Realtors,” an “Update from the NCUA,” “Fair Lending Compliance” and “MLO Compensation.”

Speakers include Rob Chrisman, the Senior Advisor to STRATMOR Group’s Capital Markets practice whose daily market commentary is one of the mortgage industry’s most widely read publications; Kris Kully, a Partner at Mayer Brown law firm in Washington, D.C., and an expert on federal and state regulatory compliance matters affecting providers of consumer financial products and services, and Michael Christians, Senior Federal Compliance Counsel for CUNA, who assists credit unions with ensuring that their programs conform to federal regulatory rules.

Also, Joe Weisbord, Director of Credit and Housing Access for Fannie Mae, who focuses on affordable lending strategies; Karen Purves, M.A., an International Speaker on innovative impact and “communicating with strength;” and Jason Sasena, CMB, the SVP of National Mortgage Production at Lake Michigan Credit Union.

About The American Credit Union Mortgage Association

The American Credit Union Mortgage Association is a non-profit association dedicated to credit unions and mortgage lending. ACUMA provides resources and education to credit unions aimed at streamlining performance, processes, and procedures for real estate lending services. ACUMA's goal is to encourage credit unions to help more consumers get fairly priced and safe mortgage loans delivered locally, and in so doing, providing them with a pathway to the American dream of home ownership. ACUMA brings together the shared real estate lending and financing interests of hundreds of credit unions and CUSOs. ACUMA member organizations include federal and state charted credit unions and CUSO, mortgage insurance companies, secondary market investors, investment banking firms and technology companies. Visit ACUMA’s website at for more information.​


Justin Hawkins
Director of Marketing & Communication, ACUMA
(301) 222-7262


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