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Mountain Credit Union closes out busy month for Financial Literacy

(May 6, 2015) -- There were so many activities for National Credit Union Youth Month and Financial Literacy Month that Mountain Credit Union staff had to start the festivities a few days early. Beginning in late March, events throughout the Credit Union’s ten county field of membership began popping up on the calendar. Both national events, focusing on financial education, occurring at the same time made for a very busy month.

Mountain Credit Union coordinated with local employers, as well as several schools and colleges, to provide Financial Education programs to employees and students. A few examples of these efforts included a “Curriculum Carnival” at West Henderson High School, a Credit Union representative participating on a "Life Skills" panel for Graduate Students at Western Carolina University, a “Lunch and Learn" for the employees at Harrah's Cherokee Casino and a presentation to students in Career Management and Personal Finance classes at Hendersonville High School.

image003.jpgStaff members at each of Mountain Credit Union’s seven locations were asked to decorate their branches based on the theme, “Wild About Saving™” which was chosen by Credit union staff and youth nationwide. Young members were encouraged to participate in coloring contests and to register for several cash prizes. The culmination of events came with a FREE “Kid’s Outdoor Movie Night” held on April 24th at the Credit Union’s Candler, NC branch, located at 1453 Sand Hill Road, with lots of prizes, pizza, popcorn and soda for everyone. There were live demonstrations by a local skateboard shop, Ride On Asheville, as well as a live remote broadcast by

Kids with “Mr. Moon” of the Asheville Tourists Baseball Club enjoying our “Outdoor Movie Night!”local radio station, 99.9 KISS Country, during the two hours leading up to movie time.

“There is a tremendous need for Financial Literacy among all ages in our communities and the two events in April help spotlight our efforts to provide a valuable resource to our members and also the general public,” shared Patty Idol, President and CEO of the Credit Union. “Mountain Credit Union hopes to continue these efforts throughout the year and remain a long-term, perhaps even a lifetime resource for everyone in our communities.”

More information about these events, as well as many other community service efforts, can be found by visiting Mountain Credit Union’s website and social media outlets, or by calling or visiting your nearest branch location. Mountain Credit Union has seven branch offices located throughout Western North Carolina and serves anyone who lives, works, worships or attends school in Buncombe, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, Madison and Swain Counties of North Carolina. For more information, please visit