A mortgage adventure of a lifetime is awaiting credit union mortgage lenders from across the country—the award winning 2022 myCUmortgage Partner Conference is scheduled for October 17-19, in Dayton, Ohio. myCUmortgage is a leading Credit Union Service Organization (CUSO) and wholly-owned by Wright-Patt Credit Union.
This year’s event is designed to assist myCUmortgage’s partner credit unions in discovering new ways to help more of their members with homeownership through the lifetime of the loan; traversing the trail leading to better servicing and successful mortgage operations; and teaming up with experts and colleagues in the search of mortgage treasure.
“As we’ve all experienced over the past two years, the mortgage and real estate industries have been unpredictable; some would even say adventurous, which makes it most important that myCUmortgage and our partner credit unions chart our course to service and success together,” said Tonya Coon, myCUmortgage President. “This year’s Partner Conference provides the perfect opportunity and venue to come together as one and explore the powerful combination of personalized service and technology in credit union mortgage lending.”
With topics and events developed for credit union mortgage lenders to learn through interaction with myCUmortgage experts and other credit union attendees, this year’s conference features two-and-a-half days of in-depth information on industry best practices, succeeding in the purchase market, regulatory updates and hands-on mortgage process training.
To kick off this year’s event is keynote speaker Lt. Col. Dan Rooney, founder of Folds of Honor, an F-16 Fighter Pilot with 1,800 hours of flight time and three tours in Iraq, and a PGA Golf Professional. From humble beginnings above his garage, Lt. Col. Rooney started the non-profit Folds of Honor. Its singular mission is to provide educational scholarships to the spouses and children of wounded or killed military service members. In 12 years, Folds of Honor has provided 25,000 life changing scholarships totaling over $125 million.
The Partner Conference also features the Annual myCUmortgage Awards program, recognizing partner credit unions who have successfully taken command of their mortgage operations. Several networking events are scheduled as well, giving attendees the opportunity to interact with the myCUmortgage experts and fellow mortgage industry leaders.
Registration is now open to myCUmortgage partner credit unions. Visit https://mvp.markeys.net/mycumorgagepartnerconference for complete information and to register. Register before August 31, 2022 to receive the Early Bird discount.
If you are a non-partner credit union interested in attending the conference and learning how myCUmortgage can help you chart your course to service and success, contact Sales@myCUmortgage.com.