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NACUC announces 2022 election results

At NACUC’s 46th Annual Meeting held in Boston on October 14, 2022, members elected incumbent Jim Hollingsworth, board chair of Keesler Federal Credit Union, and Joe Budnick, board member of SharePoint Credit Union to three-year terms on NACUC’s Board of Directors. At the reorganization meeting, the following officers were elected for the 2022-2023 term:

Chair: Dr. Luis Ramos, Nutmeg State Financial Credit Union, Rocky Hill, CT
Vice Chair: Jim Hollingsworth, Keesler Federal Credit Union, Biloxi, MS
Secretary: Marlene Schwartz, State Department Federal Credit Union, Alexandria, VA
Treasurer: Joe Budnick, SharePoint Credit Union, Bloomington, MN
Director: Jerry Hauck, Rogue Credit Union, Medford, OR

