
NAFCU Launches New Credit Union Performance Benchmark Report

Provides Members with a New Management Tool 

WASHINGTON, DC —The National Association of Federal Credit Unions (NAFCU) introduced a new quarterly CU Performance Benchmark report today. The report provides each member credit union with unique data that allows them to easily discern their institutions’ own performance and see how they stack up against their peers.

“The CU Performance Benchmark report is an essential tool to help credit union managers identify their institution’s strengths and weaknesses and plan for the future.”  said David Carrier, NAFCU chief economist and director of research. “Each individualized report provides a snapshot of the credit union’s key financial performance ratios, as well as income, expenses, net interest margins and cost of funds, with peer comparisons according to region and asset-size class.”

The CU Performance Benchmark report, which is based on the most current NCUA quarterly call report data for each NAFCU member credit union, is produced by NAFCU’s research team. Each report provides charts and tables that are unique to the credit union, as well as definitions and clear explanations of key financial ratios.

The report helps credit unions make sound strategic decisions by providing data to:

  • Compare credit union performance to regional and asset class peer averages;
  • Benchmark and identify areas for improvement;
  • Manage income, expenses, net interest margins, cost of funds and financial performance more effectively;
  • Quickly educate board and staff about each credit union’s quarterly performance; and
  • Determine annual and quarterly growth trends.

The NAFCU CU Performance Benchmark report is quarterly and provided free as a benefit of NAFCU membership. For more information, visit

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The National Association of Federal Credit Unions is the only national organization that focuses exclusively on federal issues affecting credit unions, representing its members before the federal government and the public. 

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