
NAFCU Offers New ‘Credit Union Compliance GPS’

CONTACT:   Jessica Lewis

WASHINGTON – NAFCU is offering a new, convenient tool to help credit union compliance officers and professionals better navigate the sea of rules and regulations impacting credit unions. NAFCU’s Credit Union Compliance GPS: Everything You Wanted to Know (And a Lot You Wish You Didn’t) About Credit Union Compliance Issues, an electronic manual, is now available for purchase at

“As credit union compliance issues become more and more complex, compliance officers and other credit union staff must have quick, easy access to the information they need,” said NAFCU President Fred Becker. “NAFCU’s Credit Union Compliance GPS not only provides a comprehensive overview of rules and regulations, but contains helpful links to key resources that will enable users to research topics in even greater detail.”

Created by NAFCU’s compliance team, the manual contains over 500 pages of essential information. A free copy of the manual is provided to attendees of NAFCU’s annual Regulatory Compliance School and is a useful self-study guide for those who wish to take the NAFCU Certified Compliance Officer (NCCO) exam.

The manual is available to both NAFCU members and nonmembers.

NAFCU is the only national organization that focuses exclusively on federal issues affecting credit unions, representing its members before the federal government and the public.

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