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NCUA hosting webinar on compliance

ALEXANDRIA, VA (July 1, 2015) -- Keeping pace with regulatory changes is important, and an upcoming National Credit Union Administration webinar, “Fine-Tuning Your Compliance Program: Common Compliance Violations,” will provide valuable information about best practices for avoiding violations.

The webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, July 21, beginning at 2 p.m. Eastern. There is no charge. Qualifying attendees will be offered a certificate of attendance.

The webinar will hosted by Diane Rector, training manager with NCUA’s Office of Small Credit Union Initiatives, and Kathryn Baxter, Office of Small Credit Union Initiatives program manager. They will be joined by:

  • Judy Graham, program officer with NCUA’s Office of Examination and Insurance;
  • Patrick Truett, information systems officer with the Office of Examination and Insurance;
  • Matt Nixon, program officer with NCUA’s Office of Consumer Protection;
  • JiJi Bahhur, director of regulatory compliance for the National Association of Federal Credit Unions; and
  • Bernadette Clair, senior regulatory compliance counsel for the National Association of Federal Credit Unions.

The panel will discuss how credit unions can navigate common compliance issues and examine various compliance areas of interest.

Online registration is available here. Participants will use the same link to log into the webinar. Registrants should allow pop-ups from this website. The webinar will last 90 minutes.

Participants may submit questions in advance at The subject line of the email should read, “Compliance Violations.”

Participants with technical questions about accessing the webinar may email This webinar will be closed captioned and then archived online here approximately three weeks following the live event.

NCUA’s Office of Small Credit Union Initiatives fosters credit union development and the effective delivery of financial services for small credit unions, new credit unions, minority depository institutions and credit unions with a low-income designation.

NCUA is the independent federal agency created by the U.S. Congress to regulate, charter and supervise federal credit unions. With the backing of the full faith and credit of the United States, NCUA operates and manages the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund, insuring the deposits of nearly 100 million account holders in all federal credit unions and the overwhelming majority of state-chartered credit unions. At and Pocket Cents, NCUA also educates the public on consumer protection and financial literacy issues.
