
New Life Simulation video – Experience what your members are going through

(June 15, 2015) — The National Credit Union Foundation (the Foundation) has released a new video about Life Simulations to highlight the value of the experience for credit union professionals.  This powerful video is comprised of attendee testimonials, staff insights and provides a glimpse into the simulation through onsite footage.

The Life Simulation experience is designed to help credit union employees, volunteers and leadership begin to understand what it might be like to live in a typical low-income family trying to survive from month to month.  During the three hour experience, participants assume the roles of families who may be unemployed, homeless, or senior citizens living on disability raising grandchildren struggling to make ends meet.

At the end of the exercise, participants are more aware of the daily realities and hardships that many American families face.  Walking in another’s shoes is a far more effective way to sensitize others to the needs of immigrants and other low-wage working families than from traditional diversity or classroom learning.

Video by Andy Janning, NO NET Solutions

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