
New Risk Watch Video addresses release Of 2013 HMDA data

FREDERICK, MD (October 3, 2014) — A new online video in the Risk Watch series discusses the release of 2013 HMDA data. When in comes to HMDA, “knowledge is power and ignorance is seldom blissful,” counsels AdvisX President Ken Agle. In the video, Agle tells us what questions institutions should ask about their HMDA data and what the answers might mean. The video can be found here.

“The ‘Risk Watch’ video series is just one of the ways our team of experts is helping financial institutions proactively address compliance challenges,” said Ken Wolff, CEO of AffirmX, which sponsors the series. ”We encourage credit unions of all sizes to take advantage of these educational resources and contact us to learn more about our solutions.”

AffirmX provides automated risk intelligence solutions that help financial services institutions reduce risk management workloads, anxieties and costs. The AffirmX Risk Intel Center delivers accurate risk intelligence based on expert review of internal and external data sources through a query-based workflow engine. AffirmX enables clients to spend less time searching for issues and more time proactively remediating and mitigating risks so that they can focus on their core business.

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