
New video: “Hello, the Foundation Loves You”

(May 2, 2015) — The National Credit Union Foundations’ (the Foundation) Executive Director Gigi Hyland spoke at the annual CUNA GAC conference on March 8 about the role the Foundation plays in the credit union movement.

Hyland entered the stage to the classic song by The Doors “Hello, I love You.”  She explained that while credit unions love the Foundation, they may be unclear about what they do and the impact they have.  “We, the Foundation, loves you back,” Hyland said. “And I’m going to tell you who we are.”

Hyland goes on to explain the many programs and grants that the Foundation provides for credit unions and their members, including grants for the Responsible Rides Program, and Biz Kid$ grants for financial education.  The Foundation also provides a Development Education Training Program (DE) where credit union professionals learn the cooperative principles and how to provide financial services to consumers.  Since 1982, The Development Education Program (DE) has trained over 1400 credit union professionals from over 34 countries.

In the past 10 years the Foundation has given $35 million in grants to fund initiatives such as Responsible Rides Program and other Non-Prime Auto Lending, Financial Education programs such as Biz Kid$, Financial Reality Fairs, Hispanic Outreach Programs and many more.

“The Foundation’s mission is to be a catalyst to improve people’s financial lives through credit unions,” Hyland said. “Our work centers around helping credit unions strengthen the financial well-being of everyone in their community.”

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