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Northwest Credit Unions overwhelmingly approve ICUL-NWCUA merger

Member credit unions of the Idaho Credit Union League (ICUL) and the Northwest Credit Union Association (NWCUA) have voted to approve the merger of the trade organizations.

The merger officially takes effect Dec. 31, 2018, creating a trade association representing over 180 credit unions in Idaho, Oregon and Washington, and several associate member credit unions in Alaska and Hawaii. The ICUL has been managed by NWCUA since January 2017.

“Northwest credit unions, ICUL and NWCUA have demonstrated what is possible in a three-state collaboration,” said Brooke Van Vleet, Chair, NWCUA Board of Directors and President/CEO of St. Helens Community Credit Union, an Oregon-based credit union. “Together, Northwest credit unions successfully advocated for significant updates to their state and federal Credit Union Acts this year. This merger is a positive step forward along the path we began 18 months ago.”

Kent Oram, ICUL Board Chair and President/CEO of Pocatello, Idaho-based Idaho Central Credit Union, thanked members for their support and reinforced how bright the future is for credit unions across the Northwest.

“NWCUA will meet the future needs of Northwest credit unions and their members,” Oram said. “Through this three-state, world-class trade association and collaboration with member credit unions, we will continue to advance the Credit Union Movement.”

Troy Stang, President and CEO, echoed the Board Chairs’ sentiments, stressing how important it is to strengthen the collective credit union voice.

“This collaboration excites a stronger voice regionally and nationally, empowering policy advancement, public awareness, and collective action at the federal level in all three state capitals and on Main Street in every Northwest community,” Stang said.

He noted that 6.5 million consumers — more than 50 percent of the population — belongs to a Northwest credit union.

Northwest Credit Union Association