WOODBURY, MN (May 30, 2013) If the turnout was any indication, a good number of residents are dreaming of home ownership this spring and looking to Postal Credit Union’s home loan specialists for advice. Attendance this year increased almost 76% over 2012.
PCU held a series of free home buyers seminars starting in February to help potential buyers become better informed. Attendees learned about current market conditions and ways to develop a plan to reach their home buying goals. PCU’s home loan specialists were on hand to answer questions about purchasing a home and the various financing options available.
“Our mortgage area has been busy taking pre-approval applications and purchase agreements over the past few weeks, a good sign that people are buying,” said Faith Tholkes, PCU Director of Mortgage Sales. “PCU offers a complete home buying experience, from finding a trusted realtor and dream home to getting financing and closing efficiently. Help is just a click away through our online Real Estate Center at www.postalcu.org.”
Founded in 1926, Postal Credit Union is a member owned financial institution that specializes in providing excellent member service, great rates and convenience. PCU offers a complete range of services, including 24/7 loan approval, mortgages, online banking, online deposits, mobile banking, free checking, business services, investment services and more. PCU is proud to serve Anoka, Chisago, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey and Washington counties, with office locations in Eagan, Hugo, North St. Paul, West St. Paul and Woodbury. For more information, contact PCU at 651-770-7000, 800-247-0857 or visit www.postalcu.org.