As a way to celebrate the legacy of credit unions and the important role they play in the lives of consumers and communities across the country, PSCU has pledged its support to America’s Credit Union Museum’s Legacy Capital Campaign. Built by credit unions, owned by credit unions and governed by credit unions, PSCU has been dedicated to preserving and fostering the credit union legacy for nearly 40 years. The credit union service organization’s $125,000 donation will fund additional exhibit space as well as a new exhibit, which will be named after the CUSO.
The Legacy Capital Campaign seeks to raise a total of $3.3 million to create a new industry research center in a second unused, museum-owned building and provide renovations and upgrades to the existing Museum building. The industry research center will not only make credit union history more accessible to visitors, but will also provide digitally archived information to credit unions or researchers. To date, pledges to the Legacy Capital Campaign total more than $2.3 million.
“PSCU strives to serve as an advocate and spokesperson for our member owner credit unions, as well as the industry as whole,” said Chuck Fagan, President and CEO of PSCU. “We hope our commitment to America's Credit Union Museum will help strengthen and advance the credit union movement across the country.”
“PSCU is not only a valued industry partner, they are also a leader in credit union engagement,” remarked Stephanie Smith, Executive Director of America’s Credit Union Museum. “PSCU’s recognition of the importance of the credit union difference and their commitment to the success of America’s Credit Union Museum was evident from the beginning of our discussions. Their gift will help us create a new exhibit that will continue to tell the story of the importance of credit unions in Americans’ lives.”
America’s Credit Union Museum is located in Manchester, New Hampshire, in the building where the first credit union in the United States began serving French Canadian textile mill workers in 1908. The Museum chronicles the beginnings and growth of credit unions over the last 100 years; tells the stories behind their unique values and philosophy; and connects the movement’s past with its present and future. The Museum also hosts credit union events and strategic planning retreats where credit union leaders can focus on the future while being surrounded by the roots of the movement.
More information about America’s Credit Union Museum and the Legacy Capital Campaign can be found at