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PSCU welcomes two new owners for debit processing and call center support

Truliant Federal Credit Union (N.C.) and AERO Federal Credit Union (Ariz.) sign long-term processing and member services agreements with CUSO

PSCU, the nation¹s leading CUSO, announced today that AERO Federal Credit Union (Phoenix, Ariz.) and Truliant Federal Credit Union (Winston-Salem, N.C.) have joined the cooperative for debit card processing and Total Member Care call center support, respectively. Both credit unions signed long-term agreements following extensive due diligence.

³We are excited to welcome AERO Federal Credit Union and Truliant Federal Credit Union as the newest Owners in the PSCU family,² said Scott Wagner, PSCU EVP and Chief Revenue Officer. "We are pleased with the value they found in our cooperative model, innovative solutions and product developments, and the strategic alignment that is shared between their credit unions and PSCU."

AERO Federal Credit Union¹s executive and operational teams cited PSCU¹s world-class solutions, depth of expertise throughout the CUSO, and success in card fraud management as the top reasons that led to the decision to move their debit processing to PSCU.

Truliant Federal Credit Union selected PSCU to process its overflow member call volume and serve as a potential resource for weekend and after-hours calls. The CUSO reported the implementation process is underway to establish connectivity between PSCU¹s Total Member Care call centers and the credit union¹s core processing system. Truliant based its decision to partner with the CUSO on PSCU¹s commitment to high service standards, credit union-focused cooperative structure, system integration capabilities, and its footprint of multiple domestic call centers.
