
Result150’s first Online Media Network Property: MyMoneyOwl emerges from Beta

MINNEAPOLIS, MN (January 28, 2014) — Result150, the recently launched CUSO from Members Development Company announces the first property in their Online Media Network: MyMoneyOwl has emerged from beta.

MyMoneyOwl reaches consumers at the top of the personal finance funnel with content at the intersection of finance and life while result150 targeting matches consumers with content and offers from partner Credit Union’s through result150 proprietary targeting technology.

“We’re excited to bring MyMoneyOwl out of beta and have seen a great consumer reaction already with growing daily traffic, social interaction and amplification. We’re working now with our partner credit unions to launch campaigns that match their marketing needs and field of membership requirements with the growing audience on the MyMoneyOwl properties,” says Ryan Ruud, Vice President of Marketing at result150.

Result150 officially launched in December of 2013 and closed a second round of funding on December 31,2013. The network launches with more than 2 dozen credit union partners reaching more than 4 million credit union members with combined assets exceeding $52 billion.

Result150 media solutions allow credit unions to cost effectively participate in a national online, social and on-the-go conversation with consumers at various financial buying stages through the result150 Media Network.

Consumers are matched to local credit unions at stages of decision-making during their engagements with the media network by result150’s targeting

technology via multiple geo-social attributes to satisfy field of membership requirements.

The result150 Online Media Network is available via a monthly subscription and fee per conversion program. For more information or to sign up interested credit unions can visit


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