Royal Credit Union is pleased to announce its support of the Community Health Internship Program (CHIP), through an $11,200 grant awarded to North Central Area Health Education Center (NC AHEC).
The Community Health Internship Program enables college students who have an interest in community, public and population health the opportunity to gain valuable work experience with local community-based health and social service organizations, public health departments, tribal health clinics and federally qualified health centers.
The donation by Royal Credit Union will help off-set stipends paid to students placed in west central Wisconsin during the 2022 summer eight-week internship program. “When we learned of the impact this program can have on addressing healthcare workforce shortages that affect all residents living in our area, we knew we wanted to provide support,” said Jennifer McHugh, VP of Community Engagement at Royal Credit Union. “The internship program provides experience to the next generation of community health providers and other professionals who serve in public health capacities.”
Last year NC AHEC placed over 30 interns in 26 organizations throughout the North Central region. Students are placed in traditional county public health departments as well as community-based health and social service organizations such as Boys & Girls Clubs, University Extension, CAP Services, Literacy Councils, United Way, and community wellness and prevention services.