
SECU Foundation provides capacity building grant to benefit children in Alleghany County

A non-profit in northwestern North Carolina – Alleghany Partnership for Children (APFC) – recently received support from the SECU Foundation for a project to benefit children and families in Alleghany County.  Assistance from the Foundation came in the form of a $40,000 Capacity Building grant to help the organization assess its strengths, strategize, and develop a financial plan that will bring them closer to achieving their vision of building a new Children’s Advocacy and Resource Center in Sparta.  An event was held on Wednesday at State Employees’ Credit Union’s (SECU’s) Sparta branch, where SECU Foundation Board member Alice Garland presented the ceremonial check to Alleghany Partnership for Children.

“This Capacity Building grant represents SECU members’ commitment and support for your organization’s mission of a center in this county,” remarked Ms. Garland.  “With over 23 years of experience in providing programs dedicated to the well-being of young children, APFC has clearly identified the critical need for more resources and physical space to address cases of suspected child abuse in the area.  We hope that the Foundation’s grant will help you move forward and challenge others to help make the Resource Center a reality.”

Alleghany Partnership for Children currently provides services for children and families who are victims of physical and sexual abuse.  A future center will enable the non-profit to offer forensic examination and interview rooms, alleviating the need to refer clients to facilities over an hour away.

“All those who work here have a great love for the children and families of our county, and our hope and desire is to help them,” said Kathy Bobbitt, Executive Director of Alleghany Partnership for Children.  “A quote by Mother Teresa has always been one of my favorites and is very relevant to our vision, ‘We can do no great things, only small things with great love.’  So we are going to do small things and believe that they will lead to great things for our community.  We are extremely grateful to SECU members for supporting our mission and vision of building a new facility.”

Jama Campbell, SECU Foundation Executive Director (front row, left) and Alice Garland, SECU Foundation Board member (front row, right) present ceremonial check to Kathy Bobbitt, Executive Director of Alleghany Partnership for Children (front row, center) among project supporters.

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