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Spread kindness and win cash

O Bee Credit Union Launches Campaign Aimed at Spreading Kindness

Kindness is contagious. With that in mind, O Bee Credit Union has launched an effort to spread kindness and encourage community members to do the same. As Covid lingers, and pandemic fatigue gives way to frustration for many, O Bee Credit Union is motivating its members to be kind through a Kindness Contest. There are many simple ways to be kind, such as saying thank you, giving a smile or just having a calm presence. To enter, members only need to visit a branch, show kindness, and complete an entry form. O Bee will draw a $100 winner at each of their seven locations weekly through March 4, 2022. Prize winners will be chosen randomly every Friday. Members must be at least 21 years old to participate and can enter each week. Entries are limited to one per family per week at one branch only.

In addition to spreading a little fun, the Kindness Contest is aimed at helping individuals improve their own health as well as making someone else’s day. Lee Wojnar, VP of Marketing, explained that O Bee simply wants to be a conduit of cheer amidst an overwhelmed society. “As stewards of the community we serve, we continually look for ways to bring about positive interactions,” he said. “These are stressful times. We want to remind everyone that simple acts of kindness like expressing sincere appreciation, holding a door, and smiling, are good for your health.”

There is much evidence to support the health benefits of practicing kindness. The Mayo Clinic describes kindness as a quality of being that reduces stress by increasing neurotransmitters in the brain that boost moods. “This positive focus is like planting positive seeds in your mind garden” (Steve SiegleThe Art of Kindness, May 2020). Kindness is contagious, so to spread the positivity beyond members, O Bee is distributing smiley face stickers at every branch for people to take and share with others.

“Members are responding well to our Kindness Contest,” Wojnar said. “Just a week into the campaign, we are hearing first-hand accounts about how forming kindness habits has enhanced moods, improved relationships, and reduced stress.” The contest launched January 10 and will run through March 4, 2022. Visit O Bee’s website for more information and contest terms and conditions.

O Bee Credit Union
