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Students learn the art of budgeting at financial reality fair

More than 200 high school students from Hatboro-Horsham High School experienced a hands‐on budgeting exercise sponsored by TruMark Financial® Credit Union, on Oct. 30. Employees from Merck Sharpe Dohme Federal Credit Union, Freedom Credit Union, Reliance Federal Credit Union, and TruMark Financial participated in the fair and helped students make some tough decisions about their finances.

Other volunteers included representatives from the offices of Pennsylvania Senator Maria Collet, Pennsylvania State Representative Thomas Murt, other governmental offices, local businesses, and community members.

Students were given a career, starting salary, and a budget worksheet requiring them to live within their monthly salary while paying for basics such as housing, utilities, transportation, clothing, and food. The fair challenged students to make money-smart decisions and lifestyle changes to remain within a set budget.

In addition to visiting 14 booths, students spun the Wheel of Reality where they could face an unexpected expense such as car repairs or receive a financial surprise like an income tax refund. Following their selections, students met with financial counselors who reviewed their worksheets and advised them on adjustments that might be necessary to live within their means.

“It’s a wonderful program to enlighten kids to what’s ahead for them in the real world,” said Jeannie Hagan, director of community outreach and communications, Hatboro-Horsham School District.

TruMark Financial Credit Union
